Stannis demands a trial by combat, naming Davos Seaworth as his champion, and King Joffrey names Sandor Clegane as his champion. Contrary to Joffrey’s character, he allows all the rebels to keep their lands and titles (I’m pretty sure, in ‘reality’, he would have sent their heads to adorn the gates of King’s Landing) and imprisons his uncle Stannis. Joffrey’s armies are defeated by Stannis’s armies from the Stormlands, but the armies of Joffrey’s grandfather Lord Tywin Lannister of Casterly Rock and Joffrey’s father-in-law Mace Tyrell of the Reach help Joffrey’s armies to defeat the rebels Lord Stannis Baratheon of the Stormlands and Robb Stark, self-styled King in the North. Game 2: Joffrey I Baratheon-Lannister, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms etc. I don’t remember exactly how this game ended. Stannis is executed, and at some point along in here Aegon inherits the Iron Throne. Unfortunately, shortly after defeating Stannis Jorah is taken prisoner by Stannis somehow (a bug? not quite sure what happened). After Stannis’s much larger army arrives, Jorah kills Sandor Clegane in personal combat and defeats and imprisons Stannis Baratheon, Lord of the Seven Kingdoms etc.
Daenerys is succeded by Jorah Mormont, who, after several defeats, lays siege to Dragonstone. Daenerys falls in love with her nephew-husband Aegon, and dies after trying to tame her dragon Drogon. In the resulting war for the Iron Throne, Stannis defeats Joffrey as Dany’s armies lay siege to King’s Landing, executing Cersei and Tyrion Lannister and Joffrey, Myrcella, and Tommen Baratheon. Instead of going to Astapor, Dany goes to Pentos and marries Aegon Targaryen. Game 1: Daenerys “Stormborn” of House Targaryen Highlights: both from the “A Clash of Kings” scenario
Guess who installed the Game of Thrones mod for Crusader Kings 2 again?